I had fun painting this one. Do I have fun with everyone of them? Uh...no. Wait til you see my next one. Ugh. Anyway, I think I like this one because of the color and the trees. I feel like I could be walking through that silent forest. The wet on wet technique that Mr. Ross uses brings out those blues and background colors like magic. Beautiful. Bob said that beauty is everywhere and that we are all special. That is so true. I have tried to catch some sunrises and sunsets on camera and it never does it justice. I have been taking some pictures of them recently and now I look at them and think that maybe I can paint them with the wet on wet technique that Bob uses. Something to think about. I might give it a go.
So, silence is not something that happens a lot around my house. I am actually one of those people that like it though. When everyone leaves the house, I immediately turn off the T.V. That is happening right this minute actually. Everybody went to band and I am sitting in silence. An imaginary weight immediately lifts. I feel like I can breathe. I live in a loud house (that I am very thankful for btw), but I need those quiet times too. Sometimes, I have the kids be quiet too because sometimes we all just need it. We can hear from God anytime, but in our prayer time, I think we have to be quiet and listen too. This is Almighty God that we are talking about here. He already knows our needs and what is going on and we do need to bring that to Him and pray for other people for sure. I don't know about you though, but I need to hear from Him. He knows what direction is going to be best for me and my family. He knows....well.....everything. I have to have quiet time and I have to ask HIm, "What do you want to say Lord?". Now, I can't ask and just keep talking. Have you ever talked to someone and you can't get a word in edgewise? I think God could be that way with us sometimes. We just keep talk, talk, talking about everything going on and He is trying to tell us something, but can't get a word in. When my great-grandmother was alive, she would call to tell us something and when she was done, she would say bye and she was gone. Dial tone is what we heard next. She did not give anybody anytime to respond, say bye or nothing. She just hung up. I think we do this to God too. Hi God, it's me Carrie. Blah Blah Blah Blah. Okay Bye! Dial tone. Listening takes practice. We all have so much to say, that listening is a skill we have to purpose to use and develop. I always heard a saying, "God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. You need to listen twice as much as you talk". I don't know about all that, but more silence listening for what God has to say, I think, should be priority.